Part I - Origins
Uno - The Spirit of the Spring
Dos - To Market
Tres - Waiting for Papa
Quatro - Romancing the Horse
Cinco - A Shadow at the Fiesta
Seis - Gains and Losses
Siete - Strolling Through the Market
Ocho - Even Cinderella Had a Ball
Nueve - False Trails and Bad Roads
Diez - Of Secret Aims and Bargains
Once - The Shell Game
Doce - The Rescues Begin
Trece - The Thing at the Top of the Stairs
Catorce - I Will Not Leave Her Alone on the Mount
Part II - The Search for the Sister
Quince - The More Things Change
Diez y seis - Choosing Up Sides
Diez y siete - Ride Away
Diez y ocho - Bear Hugs
Diez y nueve - Cats Paws
Veinte - Wolf Calls
Veintiuno - Horse Tails
Veintidos - The Road to Power...
Veintitres - Well Begun is Half Done
Veinticuatro - When We Meet Again for the First Time
Veinticinco Dog Daze Afternoon
Veintiseis Drawing Closer, Getting Stuck
Veintisiete - Something Grunty This Way Comes
Veintiocho - Of Pig Traps and Wolf Calls
Veintinueve - Let Us Cry Havoc
Treinta - And Let Slip the Pigs of War
Treinta y uno - The Rescuers
Treinta y dos - A Midsummer Night's Scheme
Treinta y tres - Relief and Revelations
Treinta y quatro - A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step